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Happy delays

“Be still before the Lord; wait for God.” Psalm 37:7a

Have you ever experienced some mishaps along the road or a when your plans do not turn out to be the way it should be during your journey?

I’ve had them several times. One time, we were stranded in an island because of a storm and everything got delayed for a day. But we were able to cross the seas safely and got an extra day just contemplating about life and was able to spend more bonding time with friends.

A necessary stop along the journey.

A necessary stop along the journey.

Or that time when a car broke down. We came from an out-of-town weekend to serve in a retreat. As we headed back to the city, one of my friends experienced a car malfunction. We all stopped at the side of the highway with no house in sight. Not all of us were of help, yet we all wanted to keep our friend in company since the sun would be setting anytime soon. Well, it turned out to be a photo picnic for many of us as we took snapshots of each other in the middle of nowhere.

Making it a fun moment than wallow on the unexpected delay.

Making it a fun moment than wallow on the unexpected delay.

We get disappointed when our journey is hampered by some unexpected events. Even in life, we feel burdened when things suddenly come up that slows down our daily routine, such as sickness, or a surprise visit from a relative, or a missed opportunity. Though this may not necessarily come from God, He allows it to happen so we can just be still and have some quiet moments with Him. Sometimes we take matters into our own hands that we do not leave room for God to move in our lives.

I miss those times when I just sit down and watch the sun set.

Or just sit down and look at the sky, the clouds, the waves, and feel the wind all around me.

When there are delays, take the moment to look around and enjoy the things around you.

When there are delays, take the moment to look around and enjoy the things around you.

Or just being beside a friend or a stranger who needs some company.

It may be an opportunity to minister or be ministered.

It may be an opportunity to minister or be ministered.

Or marveling at how God has blessed me with so much. Then I begin to wonder why I’ve been dissatisfied with life sometimes.

Make it a time to commune with God.

Make it a time to commune with God.

There was a time when we were waiting for the next train at a subway station. My companions were in a hurry that they almost stepped into the first train that stopped. I told them, “not yet,” and they looked at me in bewilderment. I told them that that train was heading to a different destination and the right train would be the next one. So we sat there and waited. I was confident because I studied the train stops and trips and they took my word because they trusted me to have done my part by doing research ahead of time. Better to wait and get on the right train than to hurry and head to the wrong direction.

I’m on a waiting period. But God knows the right directions and the perfect schedule. So I sit still and wait for Him because I trust that He knows best what is the right journey for me.

Waiting can also mean enjoying the moment.

Waiting can also mean enjoying the moment.

When was the last time God allowed some delays in your plans? What did you learn from it? Share your stories at

What A Small Boat (World)!

Yes, it’s a small boat (world) after all.

While I’m still reminiscing my Coron trip with friends, I remember one of the incidents in that journey.

Kayangan Lake in Coron, one of the places we visited during our trip.

Kayangan Lake in Coron, one of the places we visited during our trip.

The sun was up and the sea was blue on that December day — a perfect time to spend the day island hopping. Our tour operator arranged everything. We shared the boat with a young couple of sweethearts, a Canadian and his Filipina wife, and four Chinese citizens.

Initially, we were too caught up with the scene around us that we all enjoyed the silence at sea. But after two or three stops, we began talking with each other. While on the boat waiting for our Chinese companions, the Canadian expressed how he is amazed by the beauty of Palawan.


My friend, proud of her roots, mentioned that her parent’s hometown, Negros Oriental, was equally breathtaking. Upon hearing this, the the man lit up and told her that he met someone from Negros and he dropped the name of the person.

I piped in, “Oh he’s from the other side of the island, Negros Occidental. That’s my province.” The man started mentioning names of Filipinos he knew, and from those names, I seem to get a hint of his interests. He then shared that he read a book written by a priest which tackled the struggles of farmers in my province.

When he mentioned the name of the author, I told him, “I know that priest. He’s a family friend and he was the one who baptized my brother.” The Canadian’s eyes grew large, shocked by my pronouncement. “No way!!!” was all he could say. He was in awe to have met someone who knew the author personally.


We talked about the said priest and his advocacy. I also mentioned our late bishop, Monsignor Fortich, who was known to be a champion of the masses. He has always maintained in “building the Catholic Church as a Church for the Poor.” Even when he has passed this world, his legacy remains as his works and service had brought renewal and transformation in people and society.

As our boat started depart from that stop, I thought of Jesus with His disciples in a boat. They move from place to place to heal and touch people’s lives. When that Canadian mentioned the author-priest, he reminded me of God’s workers in His vineyard who devoted their lives in building His kingdom here on earth. God makes His presence felt through these people.

The Beginning: My Country, My Home

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.” Genesis 1:31

Call them gems from the heavens. 7,107 islands, rich in flora and fauna, where the sun shines all year round. They call it the Philippines. I call it home.

The breathtaking beaches, the glorious underwater life, the astounding limestone formations — the Philippines is a country abundant in natural resources. It has been a personal mission for me to visit and explore a destination within my country and be reminded of God’s tremendous love for us when He created our world.

Some years back, on one December morn, my friends and I embarked on a trip to the beautiful place called Coron. Located in Palawan, the westernmost region in the archipelago, Coron is a picture of natural beauty and bliss. It is a quiet town where time stands still…where life is simple, yet rewarding.


You’ll read in my travel blog about Coron how I’ve fallen in love with the place. I could still vividly picture that moment we were at sea. I was looking ahead watching the waves splash here and there, listening to the sound of the boat’s motor whirring, and inhaling the scent of fresh sea air. At that moment, we were silent, absorbing the scene before us and savoring the experience. In my mind, I was praying to God. It was more of me conversing with Him, thanking Him for the richness of the earth.

It was as if the Father is showing me the scene when He created the world. It was a canvas of His masterpiece and there the unspoiled beauty of His creation splattered before me. For four days, we swam with colorful fishes I thought I only saw in the cartoons. We even saw a tortoise at one of the coral gardens! A beautiful lake is nestled behind the limestone rocks. It was a wonder to swim in a lagoon where cold water is separated from warm water. Indeed, my God is the ultimate genius.


After climbing the 765 steps of Mt. Tapyas, we reached the top where a giant white cross stood, visible from Coron Bay. I looked around. The mountains outline a sleeping giant. The sun sets steadily from the horizon while small fishing boats slowly make their way towards the dock.

I closed my eyes as I felt the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze touch my face. As I opened my eyes I basked at the picturesque sight of Coron Bay. Everything before me is a beautiful gift from God. He has made us stewards as He entrusted us all the plants and the creatures – on earth, in the sky and in the seas.


It’s something I want to hold on to forever — the experience, the place, the serenity. I wish that the beauty of nature will stay the same. In my heart, there is a longing to rest in Coron’s bosom and to never go back to the metropolis. It was my fervent hope that when I return to Coron I will still be able to relish on its loveliness. And my prayer is that, for my soon-to-be children and my children’s children, may they also be treated someday to this exquisiteness that is of our Father’s doing.

Part of the answer lies in our hearts. May we love this earth as we love its Creator.

First-Time Travels

Through the eyes of the uninitiated.