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Weathering the Storms

That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” Mark 4:35-41

These past days, torrential rains have heavily hit various parts of our country. As we are located in the Pacific rim and with a wide expanse of sea that separates thousands of our islands, the Philippines is prone to storms and typhoons year in and year out.

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But apart from our interesting climate and weather, the global warming phenomenon and man-made actions, such as our improper waste disposal, have brought tremendous flooding every time heavy rains visit our country. Yet, flooding is an occurrence that is not solely a problem in the Philippines. Countries all over the world, including the U.S., also experience severe floods. Is our world slowly sinking? Or, are we making it sink?

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Storms — literally and figuratively — are part and parcel of our life. How we weather it do not necessarily depend on our own being. Yes, being strong and steadfast help us face the challenges in life. Yet, it is our faith, our relationship with God, and how we extend this relationship to ourselves, to others, and to His creations, that is the foundation that gives us the courage to walk head on.

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Let us pray for one another. Let us pray for peace in our hearts. Let us pray for fortitude and faith amidst the storms we encounter in life. Let us pray and do our part — extending care to others and nurturing the blessings God has bestowed upon us. Let us be good stewards of His creations.


The Beginning: My Country, My Home

“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.” Genesis 1:31

Call them gems from the heavens. 7,107 islands, rich in flora and fauna, where the sun shines all year round. They call it the Philippines. I call it home.

The breathtaking beaches, the glorious underwater life, the astounding limestone formations — the Philippines is a country abundant in natural resources. It has been a personal mission for me to visit and explore a destination within my country and be reminded of God’s tremendous love for us when He created our world.

Some years back, on one December morn, my friends and I embarked on a trip to the beautiful place called Coron. Located in Palawan, the westernmost region in the archipelago, Coron is a picture of natural beauty and bliss. It is a quiet town where time stands still…where life is simple, yet rewarding.


You’ll read in my travel blog about Coron how I’ve fallen in love with the place. I could still vividly picture that moment we were at sea. I was looking ahead watching the waves splash here and there, listening to the sound of the boat’s motor whirring, and inhaling the scent of fresh sea air. At that moment, we were silent, absorbing the scene before us and savoring the experience. In my mind, I was praying to God. It was more of me conversing with Him, thanking Him for the richness of the earth.

It was as if the Father is showing me the scene when He created the world. It was a canvas of His masterpiece and there the unspoiled beauty of His creation splattered before me. For four days, we swam with colorful fishes I thought I only saw in the cartoons. We even saw a tortoise at one of the coral gardens! A beautiful lake is nestled behind the limestone rocks. It was a wonder to swim in a lagoon where cold water is separated from warm water. Indeed, my God is the ultimate genius.


After climbing the 765 steps of Mt. Tapyas, we reached the top where a giant white cross stood, visible from Coron Bay. I looked around. The mountains outline a sleeping giant. The sun sets steadily from the horizon while small fishing boats slowly make their way towards the dock.

I closed my eyes as I felt the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the breeze touch my face. As I opened my eyes I basked at the picturesque sight of Coron Bay. Everything before me is a beautiful gift from God. He has made us stewards as He entrusted us all the plants and the creatures – on earth, in the sky and in the seas.


It’s something I want to hold on to forever — the experience, the place, the serenity. I wish that the beauty of nature will stay the same. In my heart, there is a longing to rest in Coron’s bosom and to never go back to the metropolis. It was my fervent hope that when I return to Coron I will still be able to relish on its loveliness. And my prayer is that, for my soon-to-be children and my children’s children, may they also be treated someday to this exquisiteness that is of our Father’s doing.

Part of the answer lies in our hearts. May we love this earth as we love its Creator.

First-Time Travels

Through the eyes of the uninitiated.